Objections are those dreaded responses you usually do not want to hear from a prospect, but in truth, there is no reason to be afraid of them… An objection does not necessarily mean “NO”. [...]
When you think of selling, what crosses your mind? Have you been trying to close a deal or sell your product? Are you sending out the wrong message? No doubt, to succeed as a sale person you must [...]
It’s completely a prevailing myth that an introvert cannot be a good sales person! Media often shows us a picture of extrovert people who do well in sales. So, it has been embedded in our minds [...]
Every professional–whether you own your own business, work for another company, or seeking new employment–should have an elevator pitch handy in case an opportunity comes up. But what is an [...]
When ѕееkіng wауѕ tо іnсrеаѕе ѕаlеѕ, mоѕt sales mаnаgеrѕ, and buѕіnеѕѕ оwnеrѕ tend tо fосuѕ on іmрrоvіng thе сlоѕе rаtіоѕ. While dоіng ѕо is a legitimate tасtіс, іmрrоvіng the close ratio оf a [...]
Every retail salesman (or saleswoman) has had his/her fair share of difficult customers. These customers are usually angry, impatient, indecisive or overdemanding for no good reason at all. They [...]
Ask yourself this…Are you Listening or Just Hearing your customer or client? It may seem like a simple question to answer but in fact, it’s pretty difficult. Take a few minutes to answer [...]
Part of being a successful Salesperson is identifying the work that must be put in before approaching or contacting the customer. Yes, the sale process starts sooner than you may have thought. [...]
Doubling your sales is often a distant goal for many due to the fact that a lot of companies are just actually fighting too keep their head above water. In truth, doubling one’s sales is simply [...]
The sale doesn’t have to be closed the first or second time you encounter a customer. Nor does it have to happen the third or fourth time. A sale can take dozens, even hundreds of tries to [...]