How Asking New Questions Can Spell Change
Being stuck in a rutespecially means succumbing to an old and worn pattern that is essentially not working for you. Time and effort expended in your current state will amount to nothing unless you take the time out to assess the things you are doing wrong – these wrong things are what actually keeps you from advancing. As such, one of the things that can keep you from getting out from a dead end is by failing to ask new questions. You might think that how could such a trivial thing spell the difference between progress and being stuck but there is indeed, much to be gleaned from here. To get one step closer to change, we must first ask new questions in order to pave the way to get new answers as well.
Asking the Right Questions
Often enough, asking new questions alone are not sufficient to lead you to the answer. Aside from being able to take on a fresh perceptive, a new question has to reflect the proper matter at hand. One can arrive at the right question by looking first at the current problem. Although it can be terrifyingly easy to get trapped in a mindset that frames the question based on the present symptoms, it is nevertheless ineffectual to miss the big picture because of the smaller details. In essence, asking inapt questions will only serve to produce answers that will compound your status into a standstill. Moreover, unsound questions can also turn your focus away from progress, thereby keeping you immovable in a state of dead end. The emphasis then, should be on forming the right questions in order to get the right answer.
The Power of Mental Questions
Since it is a known fact that we ask and answer our own mental questions everyday, it is inevitable that these questions can contribute a veritable hold into the outcome of your life. You can wield this power by replacing weak questions with strong questions. An example of a weak question would be, “should I give up now?” while a strong question asks, “how much more effort should I expend to keep on going?” Unbeknownst to many, weak questions can prove to be disempowering since the focus is directed towards the self and what’s wrong. Why do I need to do this? Why can’t I be better? How is it that I can’t think of a solution? Essentially, these questions are concentrating on what’s not working. Although it might seem like a good idea at first to focus on one’s mistakes, all this does is to reinforce the direness of the situation. Despite this fact, weak questions are essentially addictive. This is because it allows us to wallow in our misery and somehow, it feeds our insecurities. At this state, it’s so easy to regard everything with a defeatist perspective since everything may seem hopeless. On the contrary, strong questions equip and enable you to direct your attention to solutions. Once you put your focal point into something that you can control then you can start taking the necessary steps to enact your solution. It is this kind of thinking that keeps you from running around in circles with nowhere to go to.
What Results Are Essentially Made Of
Average results are largely the product of average questions. When you don’t ask enough then the answer will never be sufficiently adequate. If you particularly don’t like the kind of results you’re getting in your current status then make the leap of asking more powerful questions – the right ones of course. Asking the same old things will invariably beget the same old answers. The focus should always be towards your goals and not on the opposite direction. You have the power to better your progress as long as you make the conscious decision to do so.